Tuesday 17 January 2023

Sepcat Jaguar GR.1

I’m on a roll! After just 3 half days at the workbench, my 3rd build of 2023, Italeri’s Sepcat Jaguar GR.1, is done. 

I’ve finished it in the colours of XX733 “Pink Spitfire” of RAF 6th Squadron, flying from Thurrait Air Base in Oman in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm, when it took part in 39 missions against Iraqi forces. 

For a kit based on 30 year old tooling it is amazing quality and was great fun to build. It also comes with decals, paint instructions and ordinance for 4 different squadrons/aircraft. I was inspired to go for the Desert Storm variant after both coming across a No.6 squadron pin from my air cadet days and having both a Tornado and Buccaneer lined up for the same operational colour’s, the former having been built a while back. 

I was hoping this would have lasted me a little bit longer but it was just so much fun

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