Thursday 10 October 2024

Spitfire Mk.VII

 I’m back after a bit of a break!

First on the bench is the Airfix Spitfire Mk XII which I’m building for the Jadlam Racing Models Group Build but why just one, I thought to myself! So I’m parallel building an another clipped wing Spitfire, the Mk XIV with the later teardrop canopy. 

More research will be done but in the meantime, this is what I know of the two Mks …

Mark XII - Fighter version based on the Mark V but fitted with the Griffon III engine with a single-stage supercharger. Built in moderate numbers as a low-altitude fighter, with clipped wings. Entered service in February 1943.

Mark XIV - Fighter version similar to the Mark VIII but fitted with the Griffon 61-series engine with two-stage supercharger. This variant entered service in February 1944. A fighter-reconnaissance version of the Mark XIV also appeared. The variant was built in large numbers and final production aircraft featured a cut-back rear fuselage and teardrop canopy.

I did a little more work on the interiors yesterday, spending what seemed an inordinate amount of time on the pilots. I’m usually OK at painting figures but for some reason I just couldn’t get the finish I wanted on these. However, as I’m not going for an open canopy I’m thinking you’ll not see too much of them anyway. 

I’m also unsure as to whether I should cut out the rear wheel bay only to fit a set of closed doors. Will it really be worth the effort for little visible difference? I think this moulding for this Mk.XII must also be used for the Mk.V which didn’t have the retractable undercarriage. the Mk.XIV kit already comes with this removed. 

Back on the Airfix Spitfire Mk.XII and I’ve managed to get my pilot thinned down sufficiently to fit in his cockpit! I don’t know what the Airfix team were on when they designed this kit back in 2011 but it’s falling well short of their current high standards.

You’ll notice that I’ve also had to fit the propeller. This is such a bad design point and one which has fortunately not been followed on my parallel build subject, the Mk.XIV. 

I like to paint the canopy in place and so this means taking a sharp knife and much patience to some masking tape. 

I think I’m about ready for adding some colour.

Oh how grateful I have been for a wet Sunday afternoon! Primed, camouflaged, invasion stripes and sky band masked and painted. Unfortunately while attempting to mask the spinner it came off in my hands!  So I will now end up, as all recommended, with having to fix it post the build but with the added annoyance of having the back plate rattling around within the aircraft.

Couldn’t resist getting started on the Spitfire MkXII decals and having already committed to the June 1944 variant its the EB-Z 41 Sqn markings that are required. 

I’m not however that happy with the colour match of those squadron markings. They seem far too bright. I would have expected something closer to Sky Type A or Belge Green as the Airfix colour scheme calls it. The 595 Sqn lettering for the second scheme are, however spot on. I’ve heard from others that their decals are the same correct colours, so I guess I’ve got a bad batch!

Oh well it is what it is. 

I’ve also, rather stupidly, not painted the yellow leading wing edges. Don’t know what I was thinking here, so I’m going to have to revisit this once I’ve given it a good covering of varnish, else those roundels are going to come off with the masking tape.

Other than that, it’s not the best Airfix Spitfire kit out there but I’m sort of liking it.

Well that varnish went down very nicely yesterday afternoon so I set to work on adding those yellow leading edges this morning and DISASTER! 

The yellow went on beautifully but when carefully removing the sparingly applied masking tape I pulled up a thin layer of acrylic varnish, like pealing back skin, revealing the matte paint beneath. With this varnish layer came much of the clean yellow edges I’d just painted and half of both upper wing roundels! 

I’ve trimmed back and tidied the loose layers and completely removed both roundels. I can probably find spare roundels in my stash but I’m beginning to think this build is doomed.

New set of XtraDecals roundels applied (not as good as the Airfix originals but better than nothing) and some odds and ends black lines applied to replace those lost in the masking tape versus varnish debacle.

From a distance and after I’ve added a little light weathering, I’m hoping it will all blend together OK

That's my Jadlam Racing Models Spitfire XII done, I'm calling it a day. It's been quite a journey.

I was going to have it flying side by side with the Mk.XIV that I kicked off at the same time, but that one, to me, is looking much more presentable such that I'm now thinking of going for an undercarriage down and open canopy format.

So, I dug out a Messerschmitt Bf 109, built earlier this year as part of the Dogfight Double with the Mk.Vb. As I had originally finished this with wheels and flaps down, I had a bit of work to return it to flight mode but now, using the old stand, I have my Spitfire Mk.XII in a close dogfight with an old Bf 109E, it hasn't got a chance!

Anyway, it’s done. Fortunately, thanks to Jadlam’s event, it didn’t cost much and I have to admit to strangely enjoying the challenge and all the chat with fellow scale modellers also participating in the group build. It’s not going to win any prizes but I think I should still be receiving a money off voucher

Spitfire Mk.VII

 I’m back after a bit of a break! First on the bench is the Airfix Spitfire Mk XII which I’m building for the Jadlam Racing Models Group Bui...